A good start to the year.

Hot on the announcement of Britannia visiting, there was the announcement of Flying Scotsman arriving at the end of February.

This is an excellent start to the year for the railway, and I am sure both visits will be a great success.

But I am also in a way sad. for fourteen years I was Station Master at Orton Mere, and visits like these always resulted in most enjoyable weekends.

Due to my current health I will not be at the railway, but we will be providing unto date information, timings etc on the webcams on YouTube. So I look forward to chatting to you on that medium.

Britannia 70000 to Visit the NVR

We are pleased to announce that 70000 Britannia will be visiting the NVR from the 11th to the 18th March.

This is one of the first of our visiting locomotives as we celebrate Rail 200 under the theme of Best of British.

The locomotive will undertake a Photographic Charter, Driving Courses, a full running weekend with an evening Jolly Fisherman “The Britannia”. All details are on our web pages.

Interesting times.

We are in interesting times.

News is that 92 Squadron is leaving us and going to East Lancs railway, I believe this move will take place on 10th December.

Other news is that Tornado will be doing some Santa services and also a driver experience day before Christmas.

1st & 2nd February 2025 sees two days of a winter warmer service with the HST, I am sure this will be popular.

Who says nothing happens in the winter.

An excellent first day

Well today was the first day of the Santa services.

Excellent day and lots of happy passengers.

Nice view of the local flooded fields as a bonus.

Christmas Visitors.

Tomorrow sees the arrival of Bahamas to help with Christmas services.

Not too long to the Santa services, this year they have a completely new look.

Hopefully we will have an excellent busy Christmas. Its not too late to buy tickets, have a look on the NVR web site for full details.

Tornado is with us.

Well Tornado has arrived safely at the railway. On Friday it will be on driver experience, and at the weekend it is pulling public services.

Will be a good busy weekend, if you plan to visit then I hope you have a great time.

Currently it’s facing east towards Peterborough.

Dedicating Rosemary’s Bench on the 25th September 2024

Wednesday saw the dedicating of Rosemary’s bench on Platform 2 at Orton Mere Station.

I am personally most upset that my health prevented me from attending.

Here are a few pictures of the event, and my thanks to Paddy Knight for taking them.

Rosemary’s step daughter and nephew sitting on the bench.

Without doubt Rosemary is sadly missed by the Orton Mere volunteers that worked with her.

Christmas and new year services.

Jubilee Class locomotive No 45596 ‘Bahamas’ to haul “The North Pole Adventure

45996 Bahamas will arrive at the Nene Valley Railway in late November to haul our North Pole Adventure Trains, 45596 will also haul our popular Jolly Fisherman Fish and Chips service on the evening of Saturday 4th January 2025,

The locomotive will also be available for our Driving Experience courses on 3rd and 4th January. On Sunday 5th January 45996 will haul passengers services.

The attendance of Bahamas to the NVR is with kind thanks to the Bahamas Locomotive Society

This is excellent news, North Pole adventure tickets available on the NVR web site.

GBRf weekend.

This weekend sees a joint event with GBRf, full details are on the NVR web site.

The weather forecast is good and the railway will no doubt be busy. Its events like this that I miss being involved in, but still being confined to the house I can only watch on the webcams.

So if you do plan to attend the event have a great time a,n should you wish to send me pictures for the blog then they will be most welcome.

Please take a few minutes to look at the railways web site to see what other events are planned, I am sure you will find something of interest.

It could be weird on a Wednesday.

Opening on a Wednesday at Orton Mere could be very unpredictable, We could be busy or totally dead, there were rarely days in-between.

Weather was not a factor either we have had wet days and been busy all day, then we have had nice sunny days and been totally dead all day.

Most business on a Wednesday was not from train tickets, it was from people passing, such as cyclists, dog walkers and the like. We always found that cyclists were often a strange breed, they ranged from the silent ones to the cycling fanatics, who would want to give you every last detail of the bike they were riding, they could out talk diesel fans with their desire to give you details. right down to the valves keeping the air in their tyres. Dog walkers were normally a friendly bunch, and the ones who said their dogs were no trouble normally had the worst ones for yapping, often constantly. Often you could hear them as they passed the signal box. But they often bought something to munch and drink for themselves together with a bottle of water for the dog. Many were regulars as well and seen most weeks.

So if you ever visit and travel on a Wednesday keep and wye out for those cyclists, they don’t take prisoners.